Our Team

Managing Director - Yeo Hwee Hwee
Mindset changes everything, actions determine result and integrity creates future
" Thanks to our customers and suppliers, with their long-term support, promotion, introduction and trusty, with their generous knowledge and information sharing, we could together create a win-win world and green environment.
Thanks to our employees, with their effort and implementation, SMC Tech's friendship network could cover ASEAN, ASIA, and EUROPE. "
Mindset changes everything, actions determine result and integrity creates future
" Thanks to our customers and suppliers, with their long-term support, promotion, introduction and trusty, with their generous knowledge and information sharing, we could together create a win-win world and green environment.
Thanks to our employees, with their effort and implementation, SMC Tech's friendship network could cover ASEAN, ASIA, and EUROPE. "
Our Team
Our management and employees are skilled professionals supporting the full spectrum of industrial waste services in regional Asia.
Our management and employees are skilled professionals supporting the full spectrum of industrial waste services in regional Asia.